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Your Mother Should Know: From Liverpool to Los Angeles
by Angie McCartney
Pre-order SALE! 40% OFF! List price for this amazing book is $29.95...
Sale price: only $18 &S+H
From the Publisher...
"Your Mother Should Know" is Angie McCartney's collection of stores about her life (and her daughter Ruth's life) as Paul McCartney's step mother. Her stories and musings are funny, romantic, sad, positive, inspirational, wise, witty, and simply fascinating. Now 90 years old, Angie takes you from her beginnings in Liverpool during World War II, through her romance with Paul's father Jim, Beatlemania, to life after The Beatles in Australia, Germany, Nashville, and Los Angeles. Angie's book has SmartBook® codes included throughout the book, making it a fun and interactive read and adding hours oof multimedia enjoyment.
Liverpool-born Angie McCartney published her first book at almost 83 years old, and several years later, is publishing again! She celebrated her 90th birthday in November, 2019, and she is already planning her 91st, and if her past parties are anything to go by, it should be quite a bash!
The interim years have seen significant changes in her life, from opening a fruit wine company, to performing a stint in the improv comedy world with National Lampoon’s Lemmings, to delving into the world of Artificial Intelligence and learning more about the ever changing world of cyberspace (making plans to leave her brain behind when she finally “pops her clogs”). She figured that if Eleanor Rigby could leave her face in a jar by the door, she might do the same with her brain. Maybe it’ll be a bigger jar though...
Along with daughter Ruth and aided and abetted by son-in-law Martin Nethercutt, she launched a weekly live show on Facebook called TEAFLIX Tuesdays in early in 2018. The show has hosted a varied selection of guests, including writers, musicians, foodies, film makers, radio personalities, and even a thirteen-year-old young lady who introduced her to the world of slime. Yes, that gooey stuff that teens like to hurl at one another on Award shows.
This second book has the added attraction of QR codes that readers can click on with their smartphones to be linked to audio and video clips pertaining to the stories.
Please call 281-277-4006 or e-mail for quantity order discounts and shipping costs.
ISBN-13: 978-1-941075-09-8. Total pages: 310.
Click here to visit the Fireball Publishing catalog featuring their first SmartBook® which adds hours on enjoyment and companion video (with trackable stats on the back end by McCartney’s tech).